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Born in year six of Tongzhi,  December 23,  1867, Lunar Calendar,   (January 17, 1868). Zhendai He's works are also identifiable under other 'pen names'  as follow: Meisheng, Xinyu, Juelu, Yueming; and,  at age sixty he acquired the additional 'pen names' of  Meisou,  Nan Hua Lao Ren, and Long  Zhu Ju Shi.

Zhendai He passed the Provincial Civil Service examination in 1897, ranked Fourth, then later entered the Pragmatic Academy, where he was quickly identified by Scholar Zhangting Xie's as his favorite student. 

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Zhendai He 

(1867-1952) born in Min County (presently Fu Zhou City) Ancient Chinese Prose Master,  Esteemed Poet,  Tributory Official Document Writer, Local Recorder,  Teacher, and Scholar in Literature,  Art,  and Music. 

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By 1906, the Jiangxi Provincial Administrative Commissioner Yuqing Shen hired Him as Tributary Official Document Writer; it was during his tenure that they combined creatively during non-working hours to compose and exchange poems.


In 1909, Zhendai He met Yan Chen, who was also a Poet,

and Leader of the Min Branch of Tong Guang Ti poems.

Where Tong Guang Ti poets prefer using literary quotations and obscure languages, Zhendai He speaks through unique profound yet delicate, peace and tranquility poems, distinguishing himself from the Min Branch. Although Zhendai He's style differed from Yan Chen's philosophy, Chen admired He's talented. Thus, Yan Chen selected a large quantity of He's poetry and placed those poems into Yan Chen's “Modern Poem Notes” Collection.

In 1915, the Governor of Fu Jian Province and Grandson of Zexu Lin, Bingzhang Lin, who was also the Water Conservancy Bureau Chief responsible for dredging the West Lake, hired Zhendai He, as Head of the Seal Script, to re-edit “The Record of West Lake.” This Literary piece that contains over four hundred thousand characters, is regarded as equally prestigious with the “Hangzhou West Lake Tour” authored by Ruchen Tian during the Ming Dynasty period.


In 1916, Zhendai He joined talents with Yan Chen to compile “Art and Literature” and “Collected Biographies” in “Fu Jian Records.”


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